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Portuguese Dory Fisherman João Santos, from Figueira da Foz

the little stars, called "sanselimão", were used as lucky charms against witches

Jonas (bottom) and José Cascão (center, looking down), two cousins of Manuel Cascão, arriving from the fishery bringing their own "baú or foquim" on their hands





stowing away the salted cod, Albertino (nickname "Negro") with salted cod in his hand

"takeaway meal", João Cascão, uncle of Manuel Cascão

arriving at "Adelia Maria"


J. Messtorff and Prof. Dr. A. v. Brandt visit the Dory mother ship "Adelia Maria" on 17 August 1957, between them Capitão Francisco Marques; background: FRV "Anton Dohrn"

Svend Aage Horsted: A Review of the Cod Fisheries at Greenland, 1910-1995 (extract on Portuguese cod fishery)

Copyright B. Ulrich

Dory mother ship "Kapitao Ferreira" on 17 August 1957

Dory fisherboats between FRV "Anton Dohrn" and Dory mother ship "Adelia Maria" on 17 August 1957

Dory mother ship "Adelia Maria" on 17 August 1957 *)

arriving at "Adelia Maria"

business on board "Adelia Maria"

gutting the cod, Coentrão, a friend of of Manuel Cascão

*) 4 mast gaff schooner. Wood. Built, 1948; one of the famed Portuguese Grand Banks schooners

Photographs of John Collier Jr. online exhibit developed by the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico:

8 years later (1965): FRV "Anton Dohrn" meets a dory mother ship off West Greenland

Copyright J. Messtorff