AD096_1966 <<< click on link for more information on the cruise
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pulling in the net
bringing the catch to the fish deck
much cod
from left to right: Dr. F. Thurow, Dr. K. Kosswig, NN
right-most: Dr. Renate Haas
from left to right: Dr. K. Kosswig, Dr. Sucondhmarn
Dr. W. Weber
from left to right: Dr. K. Tiews, capt. E. Vogel
left-most: Dr. H. Dornheim
Dr. J. Ehlebracht
Dr. E. Aker, Dr. W. Weber
Dr. F. Thurow, Dr. K. Tiews
Dr. F. Thurow
Chief scientist: Dr. K. Tiews
from left to right: Dr. F. Lamp, Dr. W. Weber
FRV "Anton Dohrn" at SARTORI pier in Kiel harbour
from left to right: Dr. G. Freytag, Dr. Sucondhmarn, Dr. G. Rauck
Copyright Dr. W. Weber